Live Event - will also be Simulcast via a Live Stream!
Building Generational Wealth with Apartments.
How to increase your Wealth exponentially with Apartments/Multi-Family properties.
Come join UCREIA at HILTON GARDEN INN (this month only) to hear ANTHONY CHARA, a very experienced
investor who has found his niche in multi-family buildings and syndication. He will show you:
- Market Analysis – Update on Local and Nationwide Apartment Markets
- Find It (Where can you find good properties?)
- Figure It (Analyzing the numbers to make sure it’s the right property)
- Fund It (If the numbers make sense, funding is easy!)
- Finish It (Hold the property for long-term cash flow or sell it for a quick return)
(Other commercial properties
including, Mobile Home Parks,
strip malls, office buildings,
storage facilities & hotels.)
Why not take the same time, energy and money that you’re putting into buying a one unit property and buy a 10 unit property? A 20 unit property? A 50+ unit property? Anthony Chara made the switch from SFH’s to Multi-Family when he received this same advice from one of his mentors.
He has owned, partnered and/or syndicated over 1600 apartment units since 2005. Some of these Apartment partnerships range from 31 units in Pennsylvania to 410 units in Indianapolis. Anthony has the experience to teach you how to buy both small and large apartment complexes. Anthony’s motto, “Why buy 1 when you can buy 10!” Don’t get him wrong, he’s not suggesting that investors stop buying SFH’s. He just wants to provide you with another tool for your toolbox to help fill in some of the valleys that many investors experience in between finding their ‘next’ SFH investment.
Anthony will return for a one day Sat seminar April 27 (Hilton Garden Inn). Be sure to mark your calendar to attend that day.